NSSA Annual Conference Spine 2011 was held in Grand Style at Bangalore in a Five Star Hotel from 9 till 11 September. The organizers Dr Thimappa Hegde, Dr Komal Prasad, Dr John Ebnezer and their huge enthusiastic band left no stone unturned to achieve perfection.
Fifteen countries outside India participated and delegates coming from Kashmir to Kanyakumari in India, a 400+ strong crowd gave festive look to the conference. There was a large contingent from Japan. The academic standards were high and interesting. Breakfast seminars early in the morning were absorbing and crowded lunch on “Meet the Masters“ sessions were extremely educative. A new feature added this year – “How I do it ?“ session, kept the houseful audience spell bound with request from every one to do more such sessions. The young delegates were kept busy with prize-winning free papers, posters, quiz and short sessions
The academic programme was crowned with cadaver workshop organized by Dr Balaji Pai and his associates. It was crowded so much that in spite of arranging 12 cadavers a big queue had to remain satisfied as observers, with a large overseas and Indian faculty. The demonstration on cervical spine techniques was illustrious.
The food was abundant and mouth watering, there was galore of gifts and entertainment organized by Dr John Ebnezer in collaboration with his doctor friend artists kept the audience relaxed and enjoying.
2011 Dr P S Ramani Life Time Achievement Award was conferred on Senior Octogenerian Neurosurgeon Dr Balaparameshwara Rao from Hyderabad.
The NSSA traveling fellowship was given to Dr Krishna Sharma from Nepal.
The NSSA conference 2011 Orator was Dr Mehmet Zileli from Turkey.
Everyone left the conference with a pledge to return back and to cherish the memories for many years to come.